Saturday, March 28, 2015

Is there any logic left? (Operation Decisive Storm/Yemeni Situation)

It's just sad seeing Arab countries uniting and conspiring against each other, couple of days ago news broke out of Saudi Arabia declaring war in Yemen, with the exception of Oman, members of the Gulf Cooperation Council, Egypt, Morocco and Sudan joined the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in a Saudi-led military coalition titled "Operation Decisive Storm" against the Houthi rebels in Yemen.
These Arab countries should have been wiser and should have avoided such action, especially with the current state of the middle east and what disgusts me furthermore is the way Arab media are covering the news about this conflict, they're either with this side or the other side.. No one is truly unaffected by the influence and being unbiased about the conflict.

The tension is real,while the Houti insurgency is causing several issues in Yemen and it is the main factor behind the country's destabilization, but dealing with such matters with violence and immediate declaration of war is not reasonable and logical. Why can't we resort to negotiations, diplomacy and other peaceful methods? The region has seen so many wars over the years, and what has it ever fixed?

I do understand that there are those who really seek to stabilize things in Yemen, but not this way, you do not fight fire with fire. How is "Operation Decisive Storm" going to bring stability to Yemen and what is it going to achieve?! Other than achieving the death of many Yemenis civilians and the destruction of an already conflict-torn country, Only time will tell.

There will be repercussions and they're certainly going to be negative ones.

News Links:
Iran warns of bloodshed as Saudi-led forces bomb Yemen
Saudi Arabia sends war planes into Yemen in a terrifying clash with Iran leaving region at boiling point 

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